Supervision Skills | New Zealand Coaching & Mentoring Centre

Supervision Skills

Clinical supervision skills training for health and social service professionals.


Raising levels of supervision practise

With the increased focus on quality and accountability in the health and social services sectors, supervision is a recognised means of supporting safe, professional practice for staff at all levels.

We work in the health and social service sectors of both Australia and New Zealand, introducing supervision skills to nurses, counsellors, physiotherapists, speech therapists, mental health professionals, occupational therapists, doctors and managers.

Our training courses ensure supervisors have both the skills and the qualifications they need to play this valuable role.

Certificated courses

We offer several certificated courses that are registered as Micro-credentials on the National Qualifications Framework to provide recognised qualifications for those in clinical supervision roles. Our courses also come with a NZ Coaching & Mentoring Centre certificate for those who need to meet continuing professional development (CPD) requirements.

In-house delivery & licensing

All our training courses can be delivered in-house, and for larger organisations can be licensed for delivery by your own learning & development team.

Use international best practise

We are actively involved in promoting standards of practice in the profession, and keep abreast of international trends and practice.

Training Courses

All training courses can be delivered in-house for your organisation.


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